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If any complaints are received from members or from persons attending concerts these should be passed to a member of the committee for discussion at the next committee meeting (or earlier if necessary, depending on risk).



The choir recognises equal opportunities. MC will not discriminate on the grounds of race, sex or disability with regard to membership or employment.



Maldon Choral is committed to fairness and lack of bias in all its dealings. 

All contracts for work or the provision of services within and for the benefit of the choir shall be based on merit alone after considering all tenders and applications. No contract shall be awarded without inviting other applications or considering other services available.

Where an applicant is related to or known to a committee member, that member shall not take part in relevant discussion nor vote on their appointment. Where an applicant is recommended by or known to a choir member, the committee must ensure that other options are also considered. 

No choir member or their families may benefit personally from the provision of services to the choir, except in the form of appropriate remuneration for work done. 

Maldon Choral Society is a member of the National Federation of Music Societies 

Registered Charity  No: 287984

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