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Maldon Choral does not promote itself as an activity suitable for children or adults at risk and the current requirement is that members are at least 18. Most choir members are independent adults and it is only rarely that an adult at risk joins, rehearses and performs with us. We do acknowledge that occasionally some existing members may become frail through age, illness or accident and continue to sing with us. We will assess the risk to choir members on a case-by-case basis. The musical director will also take these factors into account in rehearsals and concerts and accommodate the issues where reasonable e.g. allowing members to sit.

Choir rehearsals and performances are group activities, and there is no requirement for a member of the choir to be alone with another member of any age. The Choir is aware that children and adults at risk may attend their concerts as members of the audience, or attend social functions hosted by the Choir, and it is the responsibility of the parent, guardian or carer to ensure adequate supervision. However, Maldon Choral recognises the need to safeguard any vulnerable members or people attending concerts and the Committee has therefore, agreed the following Safeguarding Policy.

Safeguarding Policy

Maldon Choral believes that a child or adult at risk should never experience abuse of any kind and is committed to safeguarding the well-being of all involved with the Choir and protect them from harm. We recognise that it is not our role to decide whether or not a person has been abused, but it is our responsibility to report any complaints to the appropriate external agency.

In developing this policy, MC has taken input from the national amateur music performance association Making Music and the NSPCC.

This policy applies to all members, volunteers and self-employed persons taking part in MC activities.

This policy recognises vulnerable people as:

  • Children up to the age of 16 or young people aged 16-18.

  • Adults aged over 18 at risk as defined by the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. This policy also recognises risk is determined by the activity an adult is taking part in, and not solely on the personal characteristics or circumstances of the adult; as such any adult can be at risk, and the risk can be temporary.

The involvement of the Choir with vulnerable people might include, but is not limited to: 

  • Members of the group who attend rehearsals and concerts 

  • Relatives and friends of members who attend concerts in a volunteering capacity 

  • Relatives and friends of members who attend social events

  • Audience members at public concerts 

This policy aims to: 

  • Protect children, young people and adults at risk who are members of or are attending events organised by the Choir.

  • Ensure that safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk is a primary consideration when MC undertakes any activity, event or project.


Designated Safeguarding Person

There shall be a designated safeguarding person (DPS) to whom all queries and concerns regarding safeguarding should be referred. This shall be the Chair of Maldon Choral. There will also be a nominated deputy safeguarding person in case the complaint relates to the Chair. The DPS is expected to keep a permanent confidential record of all concerns raised. They shall ensure that the safeguarding policy is published on the choir website and that it is drawn to the attention of members at the beginning of each season. 


There is currently no requirement for a DBS check on members, volunteers or self-employed persons involved with the choir. The reason being that membership is open to adults only and there is no requirement for one-to-one activities. 

Procedures for raising safeguarding concerns and incidents of abuse 

Choir members are expected to speak to the designated person if they see or hear anything that they feel could be putting another member or person involved with the Choir at risk.  If the designated person is not available, the Chair should be approached. If anyone is made aware of an issue they should:

  • Sensitively inform the person involved that they cannot keep the issue a secret but that this matter will be disclosed only to those who need to know about it.

  • Listen carefully.

  • Avoid asking leading or closed questions.

  • Write down what has been said, as far as possible in the words used by the person involved with date and time and any names mentioned.

  • Tell the person what they are going to do next (in the first instance, report the matter to the Designated Person for safeguarding).


Procedures for dealing with concerns and incidents of abuse 

The designated person (or person reported to in their absence) will first make a decision based on the immediacy of the concern and the following factors: 

  • If the vulnerable person is in immediate danger or needs emergency medical attention – call the police and/or ambulance service. 

  • If the person at the centre of the allegation is working with vulnerable persons at the current time – remove them, in a sensitive manner, from direct contact with vulnerable people and follow the procedures below.

If neither of the above applies the named person will: 

  • Make a note of the concerns reported to them.

  • Speak with committee members, excluding any who are involved in the incident, to decide how to handle the reported abuse. 

  • Escalate the report by either raising concerns with the police or local authority social care department or carrying out an internal investigation.

  • Where cases are escalated the committee will cooperate with the police or local authority in dealing with the reported incident. 

Where an internal investigation takes place the committee will: 

  • Inform all parties involved of the reported abuse as soon as possible. 

  • Inform the family/guardians of the person reported as having been abused, of the incident. 

  • Arrange separate meetings with both parties within 10 days of the reported incident. A joint meeting may be arranged if appropriate.

    • Both parties should be given the chance to bring a friend or representative to the meeting.

    • Meetings will be attended by the named safeguarding officer and at least one other committee member. 

    • All parties will also be invited to submit a written statement in advance of the meeting.

  • Once meetings have taken place the committee will decide on next steps and communicate them to all parties in writing within 5 days. The next step will be either:

  • Escalate the incident to the relevant authority. 

  • Further investigation – with established procedures and timelines to work towards a resolution.

  • A decision or resolution. 


Complaints Procedure 

Any person having a complaint with either the raising of, or dealing with, concerns should convey their complaint, in writing, to the Chair of the Committee as soon as possible.  If this is inappropriate the compliant should be made to the DPS.

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